2013 megaspeedMEGASPEED is definitely one of the events that many car and truck owners look forward to because of the showcases and exhibits.

For the year 2013, the MEGASPEED Custom Car and Truck Show is scheduled on March 22, 23 and 24, 2013 at the international Centre in Toronto, Ontario.

Within the three days of the events, there will be a lot of exhibitors and showcases of different car models both old and new that have been customized to the liking of their owners. These custom cars and trucks have been specifically remodeled to look unique and different from the original appearance of the manufactured model and these automobiles have also undergone extreme auto detailing to prepare the car for the show.

There are 7 halls of the international Centre that the show will be occupying and that will comprise over 500 thousand square feet of land area for the exhibitors to showcase their own custom vehicles.

The exhibitors of the MEGASPEED Custom Car and Truck Show 2013 will be coming from all over Canada and North America as well. These participants will be showing not only custom cars and trucks but also unique automobile parts that people can check out, order, and buy from these exhibits.

There will also be booths for car services such as custom made parts, wheels, rims, custom bumpers, installation of these components, and even mobile auto detailing at home services.

With over 400 exhibitors, visitors and guests will surely enjoy their time in the event. Aside from the exhibits, there are also schedules for live bands and performers that will be presenting on stage for entertainment.

There is also a 2013 Miss MEGASPEED competition with special guests including celebrities from North America.

The cars and trucks that you will be seeing in this event are really custom made and these vehicles will really draw in crowds from all over Toronto and Canada.