When you pay for auto detailing, your vehicle is being washed thoroughly from the inside to the external parts of your car. After the car has been washed, soaped and dried, a special wax is placed by the detailer onto the surface of the car paint.
A lot of people think that applying wax can only add shine to the vehicle after the wash but it actually does more than that. The wax, when properly placed, will help protect the paint of your car from external and uncontrollable factors such as chemicals, dirt, sunlight, heat and wind. Because of this advantage, you must regularly apply wax to your car after a thorough carwash. If you want to do this yourself, you can follow these steps:
- Wax must only be applied after the car has been cleaned properly. The surface should be free from dust and debris. The car also needs to be dried thoroughly.
- Look for a shaded area to clean and wax your car. Do not forget that sunlight and extreme heat are enemies of the car’s paint. Wax can also react differently when applied under the heat of the sun. If you have a garage, you can do it there.
- Check all your materials before starting. You can apply the wax by hand or you may use an electronic buffer to make the job easier and faster. When you are about to start, check the surface if it is clean and dry. Apply the wax to the buffer pad and not directly to the vehicle. This is a common mistake performed by many vehicle owners.
- If you are buffering by hand, follow a circular motion and do this in each section of your car. Sectioning will help you save time and it will help you see your progress easily too.
- Using an electric buffer is quicker but for those who are inexperienced with this tool, it will be better for them to do this by hand. The electric buffer can easily shine and buff an area of the vehicle but you have to constantly shift the buffer to another part every now and then to prevent the paint from burning.
- Wipe your car entirely with a soft cloth to bring out the shine.
- If you want professionals to do this because you are scared to damage your paint, you can contact a mobile auto detailing service so we can clean, wash, dry and wax your car professionally.
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